Monday, July 14, 2008

Keeping it clean, part one

Various reasons, most of them accidental, unplanned and unwanted, prevent a significant portion of the population (estimates vary from 15-35% during peak season) from doing a good job of ass-wiping. Physicians project that America's need for these products will only increase until obesity rates plummet and most of the baby boomers are gone.

This is a delicate, highly personal issue, and, quite frankly, we don't want to know how you've been addressing it. We're just offering a few of the many available options devised to assist you in your quest for a cleaner, more societally-approved behind.

And so, without further ado, we present the Bottom Buddy, the Freedom Wand, and the Self-Wipe. All are priced at a user-friendly, affordable level, because this is one of those rare instances in which your problem is also our problem, and believe us, we want to help. Uses are limited only by your imagination, but using your sense of smell as your guide is always a good starting point.