Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Oh, what a relief it is

With Thanksgiving right around the corner and the rest of the long-winded holiday season already chomping at the bit, your social schedule’s probably about to pick up whether or not you want it to. All those cocktail and office parties, family get-togethers, that dinner you probably owe your friends and have been postponing for months…so many occasions seem to arise in the feverish countdown to year’s end. You may find yourself excited at this prospect, but the truth is that most of us are at least mildly stressed out by the idea of spending even short periods of time with those we instinctively and purposefully avoid.

Unfortunately, our social mores get very insistent in these next few weeks; besides, you probably want to get all these parties and gatherings out of the way, allowing you to start the year with a tabula rasa, devoid of social responsibilities, plans and obligations. If this is the case, try one or two
SocialFear Relief pills. They’ll enable you to make appropriate small talk, enter a crowded room with ease, even walk up to complete strangers and strike up scintillating conversations. You might be the life of the party, who knows? The relief is only temporary, but luckily so’s the season. Gift wrapping not available because we know you’re buying this for yourself.