Monday, November 17, 2008

Tell me now how should I feel?

Got a typical case of the Monday blahs/blues? Ass-dragging through the day that’s supposed to be the most productive of the week (according to the work/productivity ratio used by most, AKA the “trickle down to Friday/everybody’s working for the weekend” method)? The cause might not be easily pinpointed. We thought we just hated our job and co-workers, but then someone noticed that the company had installed

a melancholy chandelier right in the main foyer. Everyone walking beneath it got a severe case of the blues. Productivity and morale were at an all-time low. Something had to be done, and quickly.

The few who have to sit in its immediate proximity got the

contentment computer hutch, keys to the back entrance and their own parking spaces.

And instead of candy, our receptionist now has a little basket of uplift pills on her desk. Despite their lack of meat, they seem to counteract at least some of the chandelier’s effect. Maybe within a few weeks we’ll have no more blue Mondays.