Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Rose, Inc.

A rose is a rose is…some black and gray goose feathers, in this instance. It’s also a tickler. The ad copy additionally states that it’s very ticklish, but divulging that weakness was a mistake, so don’t try anything. The rose tickles you; you do not tickle the rose.

Its manufacturers assure potential purchasers that this is the simulation of a rosebud before it blooms, as opposed to being one of those post-bloom rosebuds. Best of all, they admit that black roses do not exist in nature, yet claim that black roses are incorporated in the literary realm as well as the real world. It’s always that way once you become a business entity. Unlike regular roses, those that have incorporated truly do exist in the real world even if not in nature; it’s a special loophole of incorporation laws that’s fallen into disuse of late.