Monday, January 26, 2009

Why I'm recession-proof

When I tell people I’m worried about my financial situation, I’m really just saying that to make them feel more at ease—commiseration is one of my strong points. Truth be told, I’m completely unburdened by any monetary worries because since about fifth grade I’ve been the proud owner of a magic money card. I thought they’d been taken off the market in the late ‘70s, but I stand corrected. (I should’ve known; I’m rarely one of the lucky few, but frequently one of the arbitrary many.)

For a very reasonable price you can now receive two of them (why do we always need the extra?). On the reverse, you may find the imprint of what appears to be a regular playing card—tell people to ignore that side. You are not carrying around a three of hearts; it’s a magic money card whose most important aspect is the infinity rainbow logo, which keeps that positive cash flowing with a groovy, never-ending vibe. At least that’s what I was told when I purchased mine.