Thursday, September 4, 2008

For those about to rock

Today we celebrate, for various reasons, the wondrous and magical powers of the stone. Stones can be weapon-like and used for harm, but it is much more their nature to heal, cleanse, transmit energy, etc. They are a force of nature, not to be taken for granted. Their stoic and silent assistance and continual presence is to be commended.

But the free ones you can find in your yard aren’t good enough, got it? You're gonna have to buy some stones. Like the ones included in the Chakra Tumbled Stones set, which have been infused with Reiki energy. We are not at liberty to explain the infusion process, and you’ll have to read up on Reiki energy on your own time in order to learn how much you want it, but we can assure you with all sincerity that you will greatly benefit from possessing energy-infused stones, and suggest that you arrange yours as shown.

These stones clean one’s chakras; such cleansing is necessary for the maintenance of intuition and spiritual health. Basically, you want your chakras to be clean and open at all times and they probably aren’t. The other products in my house are pretty close-mouthed when it comes to chakra hygiene, so I’m expecting a lot from these stones.

These guys had also better not let me down. They are Brazilian Quartz Crystal Points Healing Stones, and not only do they claim to transmit and transduce thoughts and energy, but they also amplify thoughts and intentions. Best of all, they “activate.” I’ll be a force with which to be reckoned with my tranduced thoughts and amplified intentions, just you wait! And when I start activating…world, get outta my way.

But I won’t let all that power and clean-chakra-lity to go my head. I’m also getting a pound of Ruby Zoisite tumbled stones, because they will help me be fully aware of my relation to all humanity—which, as you can see, is roughly equal, although there are some standouts, and we can all aspire, right?

For those of you just getting started, why not try the Semi-Precious Stone Spheres gift box? It comes with very pretty 1” stones, and you can research them and learn about what special powers they might lend you, then report back with your findings.