Monday, September 1, 2008

Look sharp

The scorpion knife, a veritable non-ending series of finely-honed blades, cuts down anything in its path. Because it’s certain to hurt you from almost any angle and has a bit of an intimidating edginess, we recommend keeping it on its display stand most of the time. The other knick-knacks and objets d’art in the house feel uneasy when it’s around, even my striking snake.

If it gets too self-assured or starts behaving like a bully, buy the tarantula knife. Don’t even look at it for too long; it’s so dangerous that it comes with a built-in handle because contact with any of its other surfaces will draw blood, and not a little. That handle’s up there for a reason. It comes with its own web, and we suggest keeping it there on a full-time basis.

My scorpion took one look at it and went into belly-up submission mode. It was all over a few minutes later.