Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Time for more toast

I had no idea the market for toast-related products existed, although I can certainly see the need fulfillment going on here. Inflatable toast was just the tip of the iceberg, and as you can see, it’s clearly toast:fifty-five.

I love the punny good humor of toasted post-its! Much more fun than those dull yellow squares.

And speaking of fun, how about playing games with real toast? We all love playing with our food, but food that’s intended for play brings something extra to the table. (Note my special new silver jelly knife!)

The comfort of toast is welcome on the rare occasion when I part with cash. My toast wallet reminds me not to spend all my bread, because I know where it’s buttered. It also hints that I might want some toast when I get home.

Aww, isn’t this just precious. Imagine someone bringing you a piece of sentimental, heartsick toast. I think this should be a companion piece.

Because if you also get the heart-shaped egg mold, your love overfloweth.

You can probably make this toast pay for itself, if you travel around enough and sell only one or two in each county, because how frequently is a sucker born?

When this product and its intended fan base intersect, the joy is boundless. Popular in the Tampa Bay and Pittsburgh areas, and among many members of the CEO set.