Thursday, July 10, 2008

Makin' the most of toast

Inflatable toast, because sometimes one truly needs the proximity of toast, a need so intense that even inedible blow-up wanna-be toast will do in a pinch. You’ve heard the line “you eat with your eyes,” haven’t you? So, dig in already. Toast is one of the most basic comfort foods, and studies have shown that many derive their comfort simply from glancing at its golden glow, picturing happier times—a pause that pleases. Dieters: try it as a space-filler on your plate, giving yourself the illusion of a meal you couldn’t possibly finish. Toast enthusiasts: there’s really no need to explain the myriad uses you’ll find for inflatable toast, is there? I know a guy who papered his kitchen walls with these; words cannot do justice to the effect.

Others prefer the gag gift components of inflatable toast. I had a friend in fourth grade whose mother used to pack these in his lunch when he’d misbehaved. Coincidental as it may sound, I also used to work with a guy who’d put one of these on a paper plate in the middle of his desk and wait for people to ask him if they could have some. In fact, now that I think about it, I also briefly dated someone whose ex-wife somehow used inflatable toast, duct tape, and a tub of I Can’t Believe It’s Not Butter as a Halloween costume (his inability to stop talking about this led to the inevitable demise of our relationship; I can’t compete with toast, but very few can.) Kind of uncanny, the amount of inflatable toast in my past. Maybe it’s the same for you; I can only hope so. If not, buy some and inflatable toast memories will be warming the cockles of your heart in no time.