Friday, August 29, 2008

Let's go!

Talk about life-altering. These guys thought of just about everything. For way too many years I’ve been making do with a plastic t.p. dispenser that does absolutely nothing for me, except sometimes hurl the toilet paper to the floor and then refuse to re-engage in its little unit. Well, those days are over!

Toilet paper? (always at the top of the list/too important to overlook) √
Source of music? (a superb touch) √
Clock? (time’s a-wastin’) √
Flower holder? (perfect for leather roses) (or feather roses) √
Alarm button? (hey, you never know what’s going to happen) √

They forgot a cup holder, but I plan to push my alarm button when that need arises, and summon someone to hold my cup. Other than a switch that pre-heats the seat, an automatic flusher and a page-turner for whatever reading material you’ve brought along, I think they’ve covered all the bases. Mine's on rush order.

This product modernizes the concept; the toilet paper dispenser allows one to plug in an iPod and listen to music through four moisture-free speakers—this is just because there’s a lot of moisture in the bathroom, not any kind of commentary about your aiming skills. I’m not going to attach mine to the wall—not with all the other places I’d like to take some toilet paper & a few tunes. I’m thinking camping trips, long commutes, sleepovers, parties at other peoples’ houses—because don’t we all prefer our own brand of toilet paper and our own good taste in music?

There’s technology put to good use and technology put to bad use, and I think we can all agree that both of these products are performing technological feats of the highest order. Bravo!

But wait! While we’re traipsing through the toilet paper accessories aisle, let’s not forget the talking toilet paper holder. You can record six seconds of anything you like, and a motion detector within the roll holder (another fabulous modern detecting device) lets it know when to start playing your message. Change your message often to keep 'em guessing. Today my toilet paper appears to say, “What did you eat?” After that's worn out its welcome, I’m thinking of recording a few of Jack Handey’s Deep Thoughts, and there’s this six-second scream thing I can’t wait to try. I love it when someone calls me and says, “Hey, whatcha doing?” and I get to answer, “Recording messages on my toilet paper dispenser.” Talk about evocative.