I'm totally confused as to the actual details, but this product claims to be custom fitting. I went to the mirror and smiled, and my teeth don't look nearly this pointy, but maybe the points become less obvious when people are blinded by your inner mouth glare. Grillz like these should probably be removed when eating, though. And they may be a little hard to keep on; I don't know, but I keep picturing them slipping, and starting to smell really terrible in a very brief timeslot.
They're still a great potential gift! It's always extra-cool to get in on a fashion trend late in the game, playas! Din't y'all know that? Don't listen to any haters who might be tellin' you otherwise. Note: the ad copy also says these are of "Hollywood quality," and I think that pretty much says it all. I've ordered mine in both metallic shades and am eagerly contemplating the mix-n-match options.